digital painting.

Creative digital artist sam Spratt

Creative digital artist sam in 23 years old in lives in New york.he graduated from the Savannah college of art and design in 2010 with the BFA illustration .he immediately began work as Gawker media's first ever staffed illustrator whare ,over the course the 9 months , he created hundreds on of on demand illustration.since then he celebrities ans corporations from every corner of the world new come to some very creative need.his clients with magazine covers for game informer , editorial illustration for MSNBC.the make Actor,comedian, musician, Donald Glover private portraiture for then he make medical illustrations for the American Association of Cancer Research, illustrations some of the worlds most renowned photographers event including even 55 feet long painting on a tour bus with book covers,websites,logos,and much more in Between.if you like about Sam Spratt so visit on  site and if you like this post like share on facebook or Twitter

About Ganesh


  1. Anonymous02:24

    Awesome !! All images are really amazing !!


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