
Visually Stunning Design

The intention of any advert is to get the viewer’s attention in one way or another. Some adverts have the wow factor, where creative design is used to achieve impressive results, whereas others choose to take a more understated approach. Adverts which convey the purpose of a product in an over exaggerated way are often effective, as well as those that use shock value to promote their purpose. With all of these various methods, often creative design is used to draw the viewer a little closer, with the best campaigns often being those which make you look twice. In this article we shall outline a few examples of where creative design has been used impressively within advertising.

Fine Art Design

The intention of any advert is to get the viewer’s attention in one way or another. Some adverts have the wow factor, where creative design is used to achieve impressive results, whereas others choose to take a more understated approach. Adverts which convey the purpose of a product in an over exaggerated way are often effective, as well as those that use shock value to promote their purpose. With all of these various methods, often creative design is used to draw the viewer a little closer, with the best campaigns often being those which make you look twice. In this article we shall outline a few examples of where creative design has been used impressively within advertising.

Porsche – Speed Limit?

This is quite a humorous tongue in cheek campaign by Porsche, which is clever since it makes you look twice for what their intention is. Porsche are renowned for being a very fast car company, and the design of this poster shows two leaves that have been indented into a tree, supposedly caused by a Porsche car which has just driven by. This quite clever over exaggerated symbolism is meant to promote the speed of the car company, which is one of their biggest selling points. It will take viewers some time to understand what is conveyed, and this is purposely designed to make viewers take a long look. The use of nature here is quite ironic for what is an environment destroying machine, but still I like the imagery and the foliage which create a natural vibe, with the light blue sky nicely complimenting the advert.

Palladino – Smooth

Finally here to our right we have a business card which has used a very smooth and attractive material for their design, one which would be felt with delight by the viewer and sure to be kept. The card uses a soft felt style material to promote a unique and comfortable looking design, which brings feelings of warmth and comfort. 

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